I Went A Raveling!

Last night David said he was done on the computer for the night so if I wanted to do somethings he had left it on. I came out to the kitchen and started to do a few things. I then decided I would upload some more of my crochet items to Ravelry.com. Mind you I did not start this account as soon as I had started crocheting again. I uploaded the scarves I had and a few other items when I first opened my account. I would add one here and there as I remembered. So need less to say I had fallen behind in my uploads. It was about 9:15 pm when I started. Each time I thought I would call it a night. I thought, ” Oh, just one more.” Then it was, ” I am almost done might as well finish it now while I am on a roll. ” Well I finished all the items in my crochet organizer. Then I remembered a few items I had forgotten to write out item sheets for.

So would any one care to guess what time it was when I did finally go to bed? Come on, just guess!

It Was FOUR AM This Morning!!

4am clock

I got to sleep until 6:30 am, that is when Sully decided he wanted his breakfast. So I wander back out the kitchen bouncing of the hallway walls trying to stay upright. I get him his food and go back to bed until around 9:00 am. I make breakfast for David and I. Hang out and visit and what not. I decide at around 12:15pm that I would try to take a bit of a nap. Then I remember that I had some crochet items I needed to write sheets out to put in my organizer. I finished those, then I guess I was in a writing mood. I wrote out several blog post ideas on paper to post later. I also was browsing titles on my Kindle Keyboard. That was about 2:30 pm. I was starting to get hungry now. David came in and said he was done on the computer again. So I came out got me some ham soup and have been typing and posting blogs since, it is now 5:22 pm. Maybe just maybe I will go to bed early and get some sleep before Sully wants his breakfast at 6:30  in the morning.

3 comments on “I Went A Raveling!

  1. Sounds familiar! Always have trouble turning off my head, so just decided to stay up and keep going – or- write one of my numerous lists of things to remember to do – then I can drift off, for a bit anyway?! hee hee – PS – love the turkey pic – baby turkeys are so ugly they are cute! hahaha

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