Learning Life’s Lessons with Little Kitty # 1

The Driveway

Hi, my name is Little Kitty. I am about 4 months old. I have a nice warm home with plenty of food and fresh water. I have a great human and kitty family. It was not always this way.

I don’t remember much about my life before I came to The Driveway. I mean I am sure I had a cat mom and maybe some cat siblings. I also probably had some sort of humans around me, other wise I would not have approached the ones in The Driveway.

The first lady I encountered was nice to me, she wanted to bring me inside. She said that her husband didn’t want me in the house, so she left a bowl of milk for me on the porch. I spent another night outside alone and scared. There were lots of scary noises in the outside world.

The next morning I saw some different people come out of another house. They were crossing The Driveway to get into their car thing. I started meowing like crazy. They heard me! The lady started walking towards me, I came running from under the porch to her. She picked me up and petted me. She thought maybe the other lady had adopted me and left me outside while she was at work. She didn’t want me to get scared and run away, so she took me in her house and asked her son to watch me until they got back from town.

Well when she got back from town we went back outside. She hung out with me all day. It was starting to get dark so she took me in until the neighbor lady came home. She finally did so we went back outside to talk with her.

The lady asked the neighbor lady if she had adopted me and would she like to take me in. The neighbor lady said no she had not adopted me, that I had just showed up in The Driveway last night, but her husband would not let her bring me in. We asked the lady that gave the neighbor lady a ride home if she could take me. She said that she could not. They thought maybe one of their coworkers might, but they would have to ask him. The lady said to let her know if he could and just come over and knock to let her know. So with that the lady and I went back in the house.

(Mom here, there was no way I was leaving this little kitty outside another night. Just a month before our neighbor was on his porch having a cigarette. He saw some eyes across the driveway from him near the fence. Turns out it was a cougar. There had been sightings of them all around us this summer.)

The holidays were approaching and people are busy. They may have forgotten to ask the coworker about me. I knew then that the lady that took me in the house would be my Mom.

So what did I learn from this experience? I learned that there are good people in the world, who will help you, be nice to you, and give you a home, family and love.

The other thing I learned is that there are also bad people in this world.

I listened to Mom as she spoke to the other ladies that night. They think I was dumped on their road by people who didn’t want me anymore for whatever reason. I had a big bad scab on my nose, and some wounds on my back legs. I was terribly skinny. Mom says my toes were just bones. I also had a bad case of ear mites. Mom doesn’t know how long I may have wandered down the road until I found The Driveway.

I may have gotten the wounds fighting off a wild cat. The people who dumped me may have even literally tossed me out of the moving car onto the gravel road. As for being skinny the people must not have fed me very well before they tossed me. It also could have been that I was out in the world in late fall all alone and I had no idea how to hunt. I was probably barely 2 months old. Being that young it doesn’t take long without eating to use up what little fat I may have had stored.

Mom said my ear mites were probably from being in unclean conditions. They only got worse and worse as I got skinnier and skinnier because my immune system was getting weaker and weaker.

I have been with my new family now for almost 2 months. I weighed 3 pounds and 3 ounces when Mom found me. I  now weigh 4 pounds 3 ounces. I have flesh on my toes again. My wounds have healed on my legs. My nose has healed too, but I did loose a tiny chunk of it. You have to look close to tell though. And I am almost rid of the ear mites.

Until next time, keep on learning!

Little Kitty

My First Night Home

November 21, 2016

Resting on Mom

I had been in my home for about a week and a half. You can see my scabbed up nose.

A Week Later

Playing with some string on the freezer. Mom wanted to get photos of my new Christmas Cowl.

This Week

The first two photos I am laying on Mom.

The last two I was playing with the blind strings.

Mom took it while she was crocheting on the bed. She zoomed in so I would not be distracted by the camera.

I like to stick my face right in the lens if I see her taking photos.

Wrestling with My Big Brother Sully

He is heavy, I am glad I am helping him loose weight.



3 comments on “Learning Life’s Lessons with Little Kitty # 1

  1. Pingback: Learning with Little Kitty #2: Healthy, Happy, and Home | Our Retired Life